YALTools::Crypt module provides encryption and decryption methods.
This module methods uses the common key file named sec_conf_file.
The sec_conf_file is the json format like as the following;
The sec_conf_file.txt can be generated by a text editor. This is just an example for your convenience.
pass = YALTools::Crypt::gen_password YALTools::Crypt::save_crypt_password(pass, "sec_conf_file.txt")
plain_text = "plain_text" text,salt = YALTools::Crypt::encrypt_text("sec_conf_file.txt", plain_text)
plain_text = YALTools::Crypt::decrypt_text("sec_conf_file.txt", salt, text)
The “salt” is the special eight-octet string which is required for encryption. If the same salt is used for encryption, the encrypted string will be the same.
To verify the encrypted string, you can set the default salt text. However, in production use, to use the automatic generated string is recommended.
In the decrypt_text method, the ENV[“YALTSALT”] is used as the salt text when the given salt is empty.
The salt string will be pack() or unpack() by template, “H*”. It means that the +salt.bytesize()+ should be 16.
returns the decrypted string.
If the “YALTSALT” envrionment variable is set, the ENV[“YALTSALT”] overwrites the salt variable.
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 97 97: def decrypt_text(sec_conf_file, salt, text) 98: pass = load_crypt_password(sec_conf_file) 99: salt = salt.to_s if salt.respond_to?("to_s") 100: salt = ENV["YALTSALT"] if [salt].pack("H*").length != 8 and ENV.has_key?("YALTSALT") 101: salt = "" if salt == nil 102: n_salt = [salt].pack("H*") 103: n_text = [text].pack("H*") 104: enc = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc') 105: enc.decrypt 106: enc.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass.to_s, n_salt.to_s, 2048) 107: return enc.update(n_text) + enc.final 108: end
returns [encrypted_text, salt].
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 81 81: def encrypt_text(sec_conf_file, plain_text, salt="") 82: pass = load_crypt_password(sec_conf_file) 83: salt = [salt.to_s].pack("H*") if salt.respond_to?("to_s") 84: salt = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(8) if salt.empty? or salt.length != 8 85: enc = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc') 86: enc.encrypt 87: enc.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass.to_s, salt.to_s, 2048) 88: e_text = enc.update(plain_text) + enc.final 89: return e_text.unpack("H*").join, salt.unpack("H*").join 90: end
returns a random string using the Digest::SHA2::hexdigest method. It aims to generate a default common key.
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 55 55: def gen_password 56: raw_pass = "" 57: if FileTest.exist?('/dev/urandom') 58: open('/dev/urandom') do |f| 59: raw_pass += f.read(256).to_s 60: end 61: end 62: raw_pass += DateTime.now.inspect.to_s + (DateTime.now.strftime("%Q").to_i * rand).to_s 63: ## e.x.) raw_pass #=> "#<DateTime: 2011-01-26T13:31:18+09:00 (1697302210231950661/691200000000,3/8,2299161)>" 64: pass = Digest::SHA2::hexdigest(raw_pass) 65: return pass 66: end
writes the pass into the sec_conf_file by json format.
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 70 70: def save_crypt_password(pass, sec_conf_file, perms=0600) 71: h = {} 72: h['sec_text'] = pass 73: open(sec_conf_file, "w", perms) do |f| 74: f.puts(h.to_json) 75: f.flush 76: end 77: end
returns the decrypted string.
If the “YALTSALT” envrionment variable is set, the ENV[“YALTSALT”] overwrites the salt variable.
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 97 97: def decrypt_text(sec_conf_file, salt, text) 98: pass = load_crypt_password(sec_conf_file) 99: salt = salt.to_s if salt.respond_to?("to_s") 100: salt = ENV["YALTSALT"] if [salt].pack("H*").length != 8 and ENV.has_key?("YALTSALT") 101: salt = "" if salt == nil 102: n_salt = [salt].pack("H*") 103: n_text = [text].pack("H*") 104: enc = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc') 105: enc.decrypt 106: enc.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass.to_s, n_salt.to_s, 2048) 107: return enc.update(n_text) + enc.final 108: end
returns [encrypted_text, salt].
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 81 81: def encrypt_text(sec_conf_file, plain_text, salt="") 82: pass = load_crypt_password(sec_conf_file) 83: salt = [salt.to_s].pack("H*") if salt.respond_to?("to_s") 84: salt = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(8) if salt.empty? or salt.length != 8 85: enc = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc') 86: enc.encrypt 87: enc.pkcs5_keyivgen(pass.to_s, salt.to_s, 2048) 88: e_text = enc.update(plain_text) + enc.final 89: return e_text.unpack("H*").join, salt.unpack("H*").join 90: end
returns a random string using the Digest::SHA2::hexdigest method. It aims to generate a default common key.
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 55 55: def gen_password 56: raw_pass = "" 57: if FileTest.exist?('/dev/urandom') 58: open('/dev/urandom') do |f| 59: raw_pass += f.read(256).to_s 60: end 61: end 62: raw_pass += DateTime.now.inspect.to_s + (DateTime.now.strftime("%Q").to_i * rand).to_s 63: ## e.x.) raw_pass #=> "#<DateTime: 2011-01-26T13:31:18+09:00 (1697302210231950661/691200000000,3/8,2299161)>" 64: pass = Digest::SHA2::hexdigest(raw_pass) 65: return pass 66: end
It is for internal use only.
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 114 114: def load_crypt_password(sec_conf_file) 115: JSON.parse(open(sec_conf_file, "r").read)['sec_text'] 116: end
writes the pass into the sec_conf_file by json format.
# File yalt/crypt.rb, line 70 70: def save_crypt_password(pass, sec_conf_file, perms=0600) 71: h = {} 72: h['sec_text'] = pass 73: open(sec_conf_file, "w", perms) do |f| 74: f.puts(h.to_json) 75: f.flush 76: end 77: end
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